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Konmari your kitchen

  • Contemporary Kitchen

If you have ever heard someone say that they “KonMari-ed” their home, you might be left wondering what exactly goes on behind closed doors! While it may sound strange if you haven’t heard of it before, the KonMari method of decluttering, made famous by author Marie Kondo, has revolutionized how everyday people look at their living spaces.

At the basis of the KonMari method is a focus on clearing items that don’t “spark joy” in your life. With the amount of time that you spend in your home’s kitchen, there isn’t a better place to start when you are ready to sweep out the cobwebs of clutter!


The KonMari method was first introduced by Marie Kondo in her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Instead of taking on cleaning in small steps, this method focuses on the big picture by having you sort by categories of items, not just location.

There are a few key points to keep in mind if you are considering using the KonMari method in your home:

It’s a one-size-fits-all method that is based on the idea that the solution to clutter is the same, regardless of the reasons for it.

KonMari is broken down into two stages: discarding your items and organizing what is left. Yes, the discarding has to be done first!

This practice incorporates mindfulness and visualization by asking you to be present in the process and to picture the type of life you want to live.

Also, don’t expect to hide away your items in storage! A major component of the KonMari method is “ultimate simplicity” instead of hiding clutter away from sight.

  • Contemporary Kitchen


While the KonMari method is designed to be a whole-house cleaning method, not a kitchen-specific process, there are ways to adapt the mindset of Kondo’s work to make kitchen cleaning more effective. After all, a cluttered kitchen can make it nearly impossible to keep your household running smoothly, so anything that eliminates extra clutter can be a big benefit to your home and family!

When you want to KonMari your kitchen, there a few tricks for incorporating this method:

Make it an Event – Kondo believes that decluttering should be an event that is seen through from start to finish, not just a once-in-awhile task that you incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Contemporary Kitchen

Trash the Unnecessary –

Are you holding on to broken baking molds, worn-out appliances, and utensils or kitchen gadgets that never see the light of day? Kickstart the process by tossing them first!

Rediscover Joy – Joy and the kitchen go hand-in-hand. As you start sorting through your kitchen items, ask yourself if each object sparks joy. If not, send it to the curb or donate it to someone in need.

  • Contemporary Kitchen

Organize Your Space –

From the fridge to the cabinets, focus on simplicity with your organization. Keep like items together, use shelf extenders for plates and glassware, and leave items that you use often right in the forefront of the space.

It might seem like an overwhelming task to go through your kitchen and only keep the items that bring you joy, but the process is worth it when you can look around at your simplified, easy-to-use home kitchen! Before you know it, you’ll be telling your friends that you “KonMari-ed” your house too, and we bet that you’ll find yourself swapping tips for keeping up on clearing clutter and replacing it with joy.

For more ktchen design and organizing ideas, check KSI Cuisine Solutions for daily updating pictures and blogs.

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